Cancellation and Return of Money

1- Payments


1 / a- The price of the registry reservation fee should be paid to the Agency. 50% are invoiced for examination as withdrawal compensation.


1 / b- The consumer who buys discounted service is obliged to pay the total amount during registration.


1 / c- For early bookings and campaign reservations, the total price of the reservation must be paid at the time of booking. The withdrawal compensation is the same as 1 / A clause.


2 - Cancellation Policy and Return of Money


Even though the agency has taken all necessary care, preventions the start or continuation of the trip; Due to the lack of exact registration as required by the required number of passengers, the hotel falling short on rooms or the hotel not accepting reservations for certain reasons and / or adverse weather conditions, road barrier, strike, terror, fog, war, economic and administrative crises, unpredictable technical issues and all force majeure reasons may cancel or exclude the trip. In this case, the consumer has no right to compensation.


2 / a- When the consumer requests a cancellation up to 30 days from the start of the service, the full amount paid will be returned to him/her.


2 / b- If the consumer cancels the contract between 30 and 15 days from the start of the service-stay, 35% of the total reservation price, if it cancels the contract between 15 and 7 days, 50% of the total reservation price, less than 7 days, the remaining amount accepted and undertook to pay the whole to the agency. The date changes made by the consumer are in the cancellation order.


2 / c- If the consumer wants to cancel the Early Booking Discounted Product that he has purchased during the discounted sales period, for any reason, he has not paid the cancellation insurance, accepts and commits the total amount to ALOS Travel.


2 / d- The exemption of cancellation / transfer items before the service starts with the official board report to be taken from the full-fledged state hospital report is mandatory with the 10-day habitual discomfort or death of the consumer or his or her first-degree relatives.


2 / e- The consumer may transfer his reservation to the person he wishes until 7 days before the service starts. The transferee is responsible for all costs incurred due to the balance and transfer together with the transferee. The consumer is obliged to submit all cancellation / transfer requests to the agency in writing before the start of the service.


2 / f- In case the consumer does not inform in writing that he will participate in the service-accommodation he missed; The agency has the right to cancel all reservations and services made on behalf of the consumer after 24 hours. In such cancellations, no refund is made to the consumer.


2 / g- The Agency may cancel the reservations that it declared or received in the event it deems necessary, partially or completely, before the service starts. At the same time or during service-accommodation, the agency can change the names of the hotels covered by the service, the means of transportation and their departure, the order of visits of the places specified in the program and shown as places to visit. If the consumer does not accept these changes and cancellations for justifiable reasons, he has the right to cancel his reservation and receive the service fees that are not consumed.


2 / h- Consumer; If wants to make a date change for any reason in the discounted early reservation product purchased during the discount sale period, it accepts that a reservation change will be made over the list prices valid on the date of request.


2 / i- If the consumer leaves the tour he started with a statement that the service is defective, he / she must inform the Travel Agency officer and the hotel he / she is staying in written with the reasons. Otherwise, the consumer is not considered to have abandoned the tour and is deemed to have received and used the service.


2 / j- Using the tour program purchased by the consumer with a complaint until the end of the service eliminates the right to compensation, such as replacement service and refund for the issues he / she complains.


3- General Provisions


3/a- A complete responsibility regarding the baggage and its contents belong to the baggage owner. The consumer is obliged to comply with the laws and practices to which the vehicle to travel and the facility to be accommodated.


3/b- In case of baggage loss or damage caused by the severe defect of the transportation service providers; If the consumer regulates the loss or `` damage report '' to the supplier, regardless of the material and moral value of the items in the luggage, regardless of their qualification and characteristics, 1/2 of the part of the trip that corresponds to the transportation as material and moral compensation is paid to the consumer by the agent. The agency is responsible for any loss, damage and theft of the item received by notifying it in writing with its assets, at most as much as the transportation cost of the total reservation amount. In addition, in case of loss or damage of baggage or goods during the accommodation service or on the day of departure, the consumer must have a '' damage report '' of loss or damage, and the agency is not responsible for making any payments for such loss or damage.


3/c- Visa services are not included in the total amount of the purchased services.


3 / d- The agency is responsible for the reasons other than the force majeure that occurs after the start of the service it promises, the situation where the consumer is responsible and the third parties' personal responsibilities. In cases under the agency's responsibility, it may compensate the consumer for changes in the form of a price or service refund, as well as additional and / or alternative arrangements, which are not included in the price and given to the Consumer during service, in accordance with the provisions of the TÜRSAB Kütahya Chart. . Also, it can be compensated by giving additional discounts with the rate that the Agency will offer from another travel of the Consumer. The fact that the supplement, substitution services or additional discounts are bought or used by the Consumer eliminates the right of consumer to refund and compensation.


3 / e- Third parties will comply with the rules declared by the consumers, guides, facilities, agents and means of transportation; Third parties  will respect the life, property and peace of the people otherwise will not be able to receive the service for the right reason and he does not have the right to return.


3 / f- If the consumer ends the reservation with a bet as the service performed is defective, he / she must inform the agency officer and the reasons for the termination of the hotel in which he is staying. Otherwise, it is considered to have received and used the service.


3 / g- It is the duty of the well-intentioned consumer to cooperate and act diligently when the consumer informs the agency about the issues he / she complains in writing during the performance of the service.


3 / h- The consumer (s) who do not have a signature in the contract but participate in the service subject to the contract are deemed to have accepted and committed the terms of the contract by the consumer (s) they have assigned to register on their behalf by reading and signing this contract. The contract, voucher and receipt sent to the fax, mail etc. addresses of the consumer by the agency will be signed by the consumer and sent to the agency again. If they are not sent within 24 hours, they are deemed to have accepted and committed to the terms of this contract. In order for the cancellation insurance to be valid, this contract must be signed by the consumer and sent to the agency.


3 / i- Kütahya Schedule In accordance with the 12th article of the law numbered 1618; If the package tour service is purchased, the package tour is missing or not at all, and it is covered by insurance. The scope of the guarantee is up to the package tour price.


3 / j- If the consumer wishes, before package tour and / or accommodation service begins; In case of accident and illness, it can insure the costs of returning to the point of departure, and the damage and treatment costs arising from any accident.


3 / k- If the agency does not comply with the contract partially or completely, the items of TURSAB KÜTAHYA CHART are applied in calculating the compensation to be paid.